Who We Are

We are glad you are interested in visiting our United Methodist congregation. You are warmly invited to come and worship with us and experience God’s grace through our time together.


Our Mission

Our mission is to love God, love your neighbors, and make disciples of Jesus Christ! We would love to invite you to join our worship service, as well as give you the opportunity to feel a part of our congregation and come together to praise God.

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When you come to worship, you will find a friendly, caring congregation. We welcome children into our worship services! A special children’s time is held regularly in our main worship service after which the children are dismissed to our children’s church each Sunday except the first Sunday of the month. On the first Sunday of the month we offer communion and the children stay in worship to participate. If you wish to take your young child (birth through age 3 years) to the nursery, you will find a well-staffed, nursery in the Educational Building. Our ushers will help you find your way there.

 Our Beliefs

As a traditional United Methodist congregation, we place Christ foremost. We believe in one God in three Persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Each one is equally God. God the Son became a human two-thousand years ago in Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus lived, taught, preached, healed, called for social justice, and died on the cross on our behalf. Dead three days, Jesus was resurrected (brought back to life) on a Sunday. His resurrection proved that Jesus Christ overcame sin and death. He opened the way for all to have the possibility of eternal life.

We stress the grace of God. Grace means that God loves us, not because we earned God’s love, but because our God loves us. Our denomination’s founder—Reverend John Wesley of England (1703-91)—taught that Christ offers grace to everyone. Such “prevenient grace” allows us to know that God exists and enables us to respond. God offers “justifying grace” to everyone, but it is too bad that not everyone accepts it. God loves us humans enough to give us the free will to decide whether or not we want to accept Christ’s grace. Everyone who accepts Christ’s grace will receive eternal life, which begins upon acceptance and continues in heaven after death. A Wesleyan emphasis is that God does not leave us as spiritual newborns; rather, God gives us “sanctifying grace” to empower us to grow in our love of God and other people.

Because we cannot and do not have to earn God’s love for us, we offer Holy Communion to visitors and members of all ages. Because Christian baptism is one of the tangible ways that we receive God’s grace, it makes sense that we would want to receive it as soon as possible; therefore, we baptize infants (as well as older children, youth, and adults). If someone wants to join our church who was baptized in another denomination, we gladly recognize their baptism because Christians are baptized into Christ’s universal Church rather than into a particular congregation or denomination.

Our congregation’s mission statement reflects that of The United Methodist Church. We are “to make disciples of Jesus Christ.” We want to reach out to those who do not know Christ, receive them into the life of the church, help them to grow in the faith, and equip them to go out and serve others in Christ’s name.
