We want to keep our church family happy and healthy!

We are so excited to be returning to in person worship on Sunday May 9, 2021. Below are our guidelines to keep everyone safe and healthy during the service. The goal of this plan is to create a safe environment for worship, provide for those who should not or are not ready to return to in person worship and make all attendees feel that every possible precaution to maintain health is being taken.

Starting May 9th

Sunday School classes, Children’s Ministry, Youth Ministry, and other small groups will not begin meeting in person at this time.  There will be no nursery yet. Anyone in a high risk group or if you are feeling ill or sick Please watch our live stream on Facebook .

Online Worship

We will continue to live stream our worship services on Facebook and encourage groups to meet online. We do not want to leave anyone behind if they do not attend in person activities.

The Church Office

The church office will be open 9:00 AM – 3:30 PM Monday thru Thursday. The church office will be locked and visitors will only be by appointment. Staff and visitors should use appropriate social distancing practices.

In Person Worship

In person worship will resume on May 9, 2021 at 10:30 AM Traditions. The intention is to establish a touch free worship experience.
All hymnals, Bibles, offering envelopes and attendance books will be removed.

  1. Every other pew will be roped off.

  2. Hand sanitizer will be available at multiple stations.

  3. Parents will be encouraged to bring quiet attention keepers for children.  A limited supply of activity bags will be available.  These bags are not to be returned.  

  4. An offering station will be situated at the back of the Sanctuary.  We will continue to encourage online and mail in offering.

  5. All staff and Welcome Team members will wear masks.  

  6. All attendees will wear masks.  Attendees should sit in family groups and use social distancing practices at all times.  

  7. Only the Sanctuary and restroom hallway will be open on Sunday mornings.

  8. There will be no food or coffee allowed in the Sanctuary.

  9. Welcome Team Host will help move people to a seat and encourage them to not congregate before or after the service.

  10. Worship Team members will wear a mask unless on the Chancel and leading Worship.

  11. Attendees will be dismissed by rows to help control exit congestion.  Any post-service conversations need to happen outdoors.